MOT Stats

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Bottom pass rates

Vehicle type: Taxi

Bottom pass rates by make

#MakeTestsPass rate

Bottom pass rates by make/model

#Make/modelTestsPass rate
1Peugeot Premier89256.5%
2LTI Taxi57357.42%
3Peugeot E71,16157.88%
4LTI TX414,09263.35%
5LEVC TX12,34789.23%

Bottom pass rates by make/model/year

#Make/model/yearTestsPass rate
1Peugeot Premier 20121625%
2LTI TX1 Bronze 20101241.67%
3Peugeot Premier 201410142.57%
4LTI TX1 Bronze 20021442.86%
5LTI TX1 Bronze 20091145.45%
6LTI TX1 Bronze 20016847.06%
7Peugeot Premier 201310749.53%
8LTI Taxi 20049353.76%
9LTI Taxi 200618953.97%
10LTI TX4 200853554.02%
Tests date range:
10th February 2023 to 9th February 2024

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3

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